Vopak aims for transparency and an open dialogue with its various stakeholders.

Transparency is key to creating trust. An open dialogue provides us with valuable insights into our business and operating environments and helps us to be a responsive and responsible member of the communities in which we operate.

Vopak carries out periodic materiality assessments. These enable us to reassess, identify and prioritize topics that represent the most significant impacts of Vopak’s activities and business relationships on the economy, environment, and people including impacts on human rights. Simultaneously, it helps us to understand the materiality of the changing economy, environment and society on the value and business of our business. 

The table below summarizes the expectations and interests of our stakeholders and topics they deem material for society, the environment and our business. It reflects the outcome per stakeholder group from our most recent engagements. Expectations, interests and key topics vary for each stakeholder. Vopak’s commitments, policies, and actions in response to the key topics and stakeholders’ concerns are included in the Sustainability chapter of our annual report.

Stakeholder engagement

Recognizing the significance of stakeholder engagement, we prioritize proactive dialogue, maintaining regular contacts, and fostering open two-way communication. Our Stakeholder Engagement Policy aims to ensure consistent engagement with local stakeholders across the company as well as to align with regulatory developments like CSRD. The policy clarifies expectations and specifies who is responsible for oversight of stakeholder engagement as well as lobbying. It also re-emphasises that Vopak’s Code of Conduct forbids gifts to political parties or religious groups, and strictly limits gifts and entertainment.

Stakeholder engagement and lobbying take place both directly and indirectly through bodies such as trade associations. Vopak is a member of a wide range of organizations, forums, industry associations, professional associations, think tanks, research institutes, technical working groups, and public-private partnerships. We are committed not to engage in direct lobbying or other activities that run against our values, Code of Conduct, sustainability policy, purpose, or business strategy. Therefore, we periodically review our corporate memberships to confirm that their mission and activities are aligned with our values and purpose and support our strategy and our sustainability goals and targets. See here for Vopak's memberships.