
Key figures

0 Latest market cap billion €
0 FY 2023 Revenue million €
0 FY 2023 EBITDA million €
0 FY 2023 Dividend per share


"Our unique position in the market is what defines us: we deliver, we create connections, and we drive progress by having the right infrastructure for the energy mix of the future." 

- Dick Richelle Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO of Royal Vopak



Performance on Environmental, Social and Governance matters is important to us. We are driven to improve our performance every day. Learn more about what sustainability means to us in our latest annual report.

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External Benchmarks

Vopak values participation in various internationally recognized ESG benchmarks. These benchmarks help us understand more about our performance and trigger reflection and action on sustainability topics.



AAA (Scale: min. CCC to max. AAA)

Last update: February 2024



Environmental: 4
Social: 2
Governance: 1
(Scale: 1 low risk to 10 high risk)

Last updated: April 2024



Rating: 27.9 (Scale: 0-50 high exposure)
Refiners & Pipelines industry rank: 49/208
Subindustry oil & gas storage: 34/117

Last updated: November 2023


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July 26th, 2024

Publication of HY 2024 interim update

October 30th, 2024

Publication of Q3 2024 interim update

February 19th, 2025

Publication of full year 2024 results

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Share buyback program 2024

As announced on February 14th, 2024.

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Share price

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