10 March 2006 01:00

Vopak 2005 key figures:

  • Income from rendering of services up by 5.5% to EUR 683.6 million (2004: EUR 648.1 million)
  • Operating profit up by 15.7% to EUR 170.7 million (2004: EUR 147.5 million) 
    Operating profit excluding exceptional items up by 19% to EUR 179.7 million (2004: EUR 151.0 million)
  • Net profit attributable to holders of ordinary shares up by 11.8% to EUR 90.2 million (2004: EUR 80.7 million)
    Net profit attributable to holders of ordinary shares excluding exceptional items up by 33.4% to EUR 99.5 million
    (2004: EUR 74.6 million)
  • Earnings per ordinary share up by 7.4% to EUR 1.46 (2004: EUR 1.36)
    Earnings per ordinary share excluding exceptional items up by 27.8% to EUR 1.61 (2004: EUR 1.26)


  • Barring unforeseen circumstances, Vopak is well positioned to realise an improvement in earnings per ordinary share of around 10% per annum on average over the coming years

Other details:

  • ROCE target of 16% realised (2005: 16.5%)
  • Proposed dividend: EUR 0.60 per ordinary share, in cash